
This post was written by Efficyers

Today, many businesses have seen their sales interrupted by COVID. A lot of people had then to rethink their sales goals, so this is a perfect time to address this question.

It is often difficult to set sales goals, and yet it is extremely important. No wind will be favorable to a sailor who has not defined his destination.

And you? Are you having trouble defining your sales goals? You do not know how to do it?

Do not worry!

In this blog post, we explain how to set up a sales plan suitable for small, medium and large businesses.

How to set good sales goals

The steps necessary to set sales goals in a business are usually within everyone’s reach, but often not applied correctly, even though they are a key factor.


A good sales plan must include all the relevant and available information about the company. You need to know, for example, what is the real capacity of the company according to its resources and skills.

Define the type of sales objective

The end goal is to increase turnover, of course. But knowing what leverage you are going to use is essential to achieve this.

Volume: the objective will be to sell a greater quantity of products or services. This way of setting the target is very suitable for companies offering mass consumer products/services.

Profitability: this technique is used by companies that want to sell products/services with a high return or a large margin.

Secure Customers: To retain customers, many businesses use loyalty techniques to keep them on board. These techniques are commercial incentives or special attentions (club, loyalty points account, etc.).

Set realistic goals

No matter how good your business strategy is, you need to stay cool. Don’t obsess over disproportionate numbers, keep the company’s capabilities in mind.

You need to assess the available budget, the expenses to be incurred, the time and materials required, as well as the state of the market, the competition and the influx of consumers. In other words, your goals should be aimed at improving the situation rather than becoming a financial challenge.

Follow evolution

A good strategy is to measure whether your sales are in line with your goals. To do this, you can use applications or software to measure current developments and opportunities.

Set deadlines

This is not about setting a random date, but setting a deadline for achieving those goals, taking into account the capabilities of your business. The idea is to spread the objectives over short, medium and long periods.

Study the market

When it comes to money, you don’t have to be content with approximative numbers. It is important that you know in detail the market in which you operate, the acceptance of the product or service you are going to offer, etc.

Keep reliable control of your sales goals

In the age of smartphones and the Internet, some sales (managers) still refuse to use technology to track their sales status.

So instead of thinking about the cost of these solutions, think of them as an aid in accurately measuring your sales on the one hand, and as a way to gain insight into the impact of the actions taken on the other hand.

Technology to make it easier to track sales targets

Today, a CRM is the most used sales measurement tool. If you want to secure the future of your business, you should look into it. A CRM offers great benefits for both the business and the customers. It is not only a fundamental tool for data analysis and goal monitoring; but CRM will make your life easier in many other situations:

  • Interact with your customers: this allows you to know and centralize the experiences, opinions and requests of your customers.
  • Analyze and measure: it was something difficult to do in the past, but today, thanks to a CRM, you can measure whether a strategy (marketing, sales, etc.) is effective and analyze the impact in time real.
  • Choose your prospects: thanks to the tracking tools, you can measure the experience of your customers on the Internet and focus on the prospects that seem closest to your targets. There’s no point in setting sales goals if you can’t reach your leads.
  • For a lower cost: this is one of the greatest attractions of the digital age. No need to invest millions of dollars to be visible and achieve good results.

How do you see it? You have many reasons to have a CRM.

It is just a matter of combining all these elements  above in the good way at the same time and applies all these steps in the same tool and it will help you to structure a successful plan.


Try Efficy CRM
The most complete CRM


Learn more:

With a Sales CRM you will improve your results
How to write an effective and successful business plan
Perfect Competition: What it is and what are its characteristics
5 sales tools that can help boost your business
Point of sale: What is it and what benefits do you get
Sales course for large companies
5 examples of sales emails to generate interesting leads
The 6 customer service techniques that make for happy customers

The Sales Pitch: what is it and how to do it yourself
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