
This post was written by Efficyers

Since the development of the production lines devised by Henry Ford in the middle of the XIXth century to the present day, the creation of processes first and their automation later has become an unstoppable reality.

The interesting statistics collected by Google only show that interest in this discipline is increasing.

Google Trends

This is normal, the premise is quite attractive. By automating processes it seems that fewer hands can do the same thing and the same hands can do much more.

Of course, this trend also had to reach sales

If you look at the typical trend articles for the following year, which are always produced in December, you will see how a mantra is repeated on all sales websites year after year:

Next year, sales automation will be one of the most widespread trends.

You don’t have to go to Google to check it out, you can check it here:

Automation and Sales

With this trend in recent years it seems that automation in the world of sales is already a reality, right?

Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but according to the report produced last year by Statista, not even in the United States, a pioneer in this type of thing, automation is far from being a constant.Sales automation graphics

Why sales automation is not getting off the ground in sales ?

The short answer is that on the one hand, automating processes seems complicated and on the other hand the sales world is, in many ways, conservative.

However, the reality is that automating 100% of a sales process until you are no longer dependent on one person is very complicated, but automating parts of the sales process to make that person infinitely more productive is much simpler.

And in this article I want to talk about 3 ways to start automating some sales processes in your business.

How to implement the sales automation for your business?

Only with the help of a CRM with the features of Efficy you can get to automate many areas of the sales process, but let’s focus on the 3 simplest and fastest results.

Tracking opportunities

From the creation of a sales opportunity in the CRM (this can also be automated, of course) to the moment a salesperson can speak to that potential customer on the phone there is an inevitable process to be carried out: follow-up.

Some salespeople do the follow-up themselves manually and with the help of reminders, but this is an absolutely unproductive way of doing it.

With a CRM you can do it en masse and in a practically automated way.

You will still need one person at the controls of the follow-up, but that person will be able to follow several dozen opportunities easily.

Automatic report creation

One of the main differences between a good salesman and an extraordinary salesman is the obsession with numbers.

Sales is a game of big numbers and statistics: how many opportunities you get, how many you are able to follow and what % of opportunities you close in sale.

These metrics are the only ones capable of telling you how you are doing, how your sales pitch is working or if you have a problem at any stage of the sales funnel. In short, these metrics are the only ones capable of making you improve.

And the only way to keep a serious, detailed and automatic follow-up is with the help of a CRM.

In return, once prepared, you can generate these reports practically at the touch of a button.

Automate marketing campaigns

When you only have a few hundred sales opportunities a year, with a small team of motivated sales people you can carry out all the sales and marketing actions.

When it’s a few thousand, it gets complicated; and when the thousands turn into tens of thousands, it gets unmanageable.

However, with a CRM it is possible for even one person to manage automated and personalised marketing campaigns for as many accounts as necessary.

¿5.000, 50.000, 500.000?

No matter the number, it can be managed perfectly. You’ll still need a pair of hands, but how could you handle such a large campaign with just one person without the help of technology?

I’m telling you: you couldn’t.

What kind of CRM do I need for sales automation?

Obviously, this type of automation cannot be done (or cannot be done with sufficient quality) with all types of CRMs. The simplest ones usually fall short.

Efficy, in addition to being one of the most adaptable CRMs on the market, can help you automate all these sales processes and achieve your objectives.

Do you want to see how ?

Try Efficy CRM
The most complete CRM


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