ZorgDomein manages its customer relations with Efficy CRM

ZorgDomein is a digital platform based in the Netherlands.

It promotes communication between GPs, patients and healthcare institutions. With ZorgDomein, the patient enters the care process without any paper files.

ZorgDomein’s goal is to facilitate and accelerate the choice of the most appropriate care and to connect patients, referrers and care providers on the digital channel.

robert prein
As the structure of all entities is the same, it is easy to identify and solve problems. In this way, each employee can quickly return to work on his or her primary tasks.
Robert Prein
CRM Administrator at Zorgdomein

A flexible CRM for a niche player in the market

What ZorgDomein is doing is unprecedented in the Dutch market,” says Robert Prein, CRM administrator at ZorgDomein. This unique position also means that we are doing pioneering work. “ZorgDomein works on its own platform where GPs can select the best healthcare provider to meet the patient’s needs. It is a platform developed in-house.

So why a CRM? Prein explains, “ZorgDomein is the front-end application that connects the GP, the patient and the healthcare specialist. Behind the scenes, we strive to ensure that the demand for and supply of care are as streamlined as possible. There is also something ecological about our approach as our approach promotes zero paper. ”

CRM is important for contact management. As the only player in the market to offer this service, they have to convince healthcare providers of their added value. They distinguish between two types of healthcare providers, in simple terms large institutions – such as hospitals, nursing homes and residential care facilities – and smaller institutions, such as independent practitioners.

To locate, contract and maintain data on these care services, they need a specialist and flexible CRM solution. That’s why they chose Efficy CRM.

Continuous improvement to make work processes more fluid

CRM is at the heart of customer relationship management. A regular relationship with customers also ensures that patients receive up-to-date tariffs. As a CRM administrator, Prein is in regular contact with the billing department. ZorgDomein’s aim is to find the right prices for the products offered in the catalogue. This also helps to refine the analyses of the database.

ZorgDomein also strives to continuously improve its CRM processes. To set a good example…”, explains Robert Prein. For example, our internal processes ensure that a person will not be able to create and process an opportunity on their own.

In addition to this restrictive measure, ZorgDomein wanted a specific department to be able to bypass this measure in order to become more efficient. Therefore, in cooperation with Efficy, a rights management solution was developed for this particular case.

Simple creation of selections thanks to the integrated query engine

Robert Prein is an experienced CRM administrator who has learned to work with Efficy CRM. Being used to an MS-DOS type program, I was quite confused at first,” says Prein. But once I got used to Efficy CRM, which didn’t take long, I discovered the solution’s potential. “According to Prein, one of Efficy CRM’s great strengths is its integrated query engine. “As the administrator of the solution, this is one of my many tasks. With Efficy CRM, it’s super simple! ”

In the database, the structure of all entities is identical. It is therefore easy to identify, trace and solve problems that users may encounter. This structure also has an impact on the search function, making it much faster. When asked if he has any wishes for the future, Prein answers clearly: ‘ZorgDomein is a wonderful platform that is perfect for optimising healthcare in the Netherlands and we would like to involve every healthcare institution in it.’


  • Fast information retrieval thanks to a powerful search engine
  • Customized access rights for each team for greater efficiency
  • Easier targeting thanks to the integrated query engine

Other references

  • Merck logo
  • Ingen logo
  • Geesa logo
  • Ixoconcept logo