Saficard is a publisher of solutions related to the use of the Vitale card for healthcare professionals. The company offers software for the remote transmission of electronic medical forms and practice management, Vitale card readers and terminals for updating the Vitale card.

Saficard also offers services for managing third-party payments for doctors, healthcare assistants, dentists and pharmacists.

As a specialist in solutions related to the Vitale card, Saficard became in 2005 a key player in the updating of VITALE cards with its GPRS terminal and its VITAJOUR readers, today leader on this market.

We were operating in the old way and it was important for Saficard to adopt common market practices, with personalized customer management
Cyril Bone
Communication and Partner Relations Officer

The project at a glance

  • picto

    10 Users

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    Deployment in 2018

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    +15 000 active clients

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    4 M€ Revenues

The project's context

Maintaining good customer relations for 12,000 accounts with a variety of profiles, from independent general practitioners to entire hospitals, can quickly become complicated. Especially if the information about these customers is spread across several Excel files.

“We had a CRM five or six years ago, but we only used it for a year. The sales people moved away from it because of a lack of updates, training and a complete database. They all found themselves working with different methods and Excel files that were impossible to cross-reference.”

As a result, some cases were not completed and files could even be lost. Today, with Efficy CRM, this has fortunately become unthinkable.

We used to operate in the old way and it was important for Saficard to adopt common market practices, with personalized customer management. With Efficy CRM we have entered a new dimension.

The CRM : Company's repository

Efficy CRM brought together the disparate files in a single database and standardized the sales and management processes for the different types of accounts. Thanks to this work, everyone can use a single tool, we can better measure activity or establish reports and, above all, we have a good organization of the customer relationship.

Facilitate communication with customers

This includes better communication with the company’s 12,000 contacts. “E-mail campaigns, for example, are something we didn’t do before. It was managed by outside companies and on a very ad hoc basis.” Today, Saficard employees can handle it themselves, using the software that makes it easier for them:

“Initially, we used Efficy’s CRM for teleprospecting. It helps our salespeople with this work and allows them to fill out well-filled customer files. But they can also manage their email from the tool and interact with their customers by sending newsletters or standard letters based on the data entered in the contact form. The salespeople immediately understood that this tool would save them time and offer them new opportunities.”

Supporting change

Usually rather resistant to new processes, the Saficard sales department welcomed the change this time. This is primarily due to the managers who were able to convince their teams: We explained that it wasn’t to monitor them but to centralize and share information.

Efficy also supported us in this change management process, to make people’s minds evolve. We have the possibility of scheduling regular upgrades and reminders to maintain a good knowledge of the software. We deployed the CRM tool six months ago, with an initial training session at the time, and we already have another one planned for our new employees and those who would like to review certain points

This follow-up helps the teams to get used to the software and to accept it, and it is all the more effective because the software knows how to adapt to the needs of its users. “It was flexible enough to adapt to our business typology,” acknowledges Cyril Bone. All medical terminology can be customized and displayed in the CRM. The sales people don’t see it as a hindrance and find themselves in a work environment that is familiar to them.

Other references

  • Eyes Road logo
  • GYSC logo
  • LSE logo
  • Octime logo