Rimsa is a company with 35 years of experience that is responsible for creating innovative, reliable, adaptable and sustainable solutions for different industries.

At Rimsa they dedicate their human talent to research, development and innovation, to deliver solutions that promote a better future for everyone, everywhere.

A year ago, Rimsa made the decision to look for a new CRM that could help simplify and unify their work processes.

In this customer testimonial we had the opportunity to interview Carol Carbajo, Rimsa’s Sales Manager, where she tells us what it has been like before and after acquiring Efficy in her company.

The fact that we have been able to parameterize in Efficy the offers to be sent to our clients has speeded up the process. In addition, all this allows us to analyze many aspects and to make the appropriate follow-up of each project.
Carol Carbajo
Sales Manager

In search of a tool to optimize commercial processes

They were looking for a tool that would be useful for the entire company, but principally for the sales department: their goal was to quickly and efficiently manage each sales opportunity. But, above all, they wanted the software to design effective reports for the company.

After a few weeks, Carlos Lorenzana (Rimsa’s Operations Director), chose Efficy CRM for its proximity, its adaptability based on the specific needs requested by the company and especially for its price-quality ratio.

They currently have a much more agile management in their sales team, which is divided into two:

  • Construction Division: Focused on a national environment, with a short and dynamic sales cycle.
  • Friction Division: Based on an international environment, with action prior to the homologation process and with a long sales cycle.


Key Numbers

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"Efficy's must-sees"

The implementation of the Rimsa – Efficy project has been gradual and collaborative.

Apart from receiving training from our Efficy trainer (Grégory Ferrard), Rimsa decided to create a space called “Efficy’s must-sees”, led by Carlos, its Director of Operations.

These are periodic 45 minute sessions, where the whole company connects and Carlos is in charge of training and answering all the questions asked by the team, thus achieving a better understanding of their internal processes by the hand of Efficy.

In addition, being a transnational company that works with different countries such as China, they have come to coordinate both in training and in the implementation of the CRM taking into account tools compatible with the Asian branch.

What’s more, in times of confinement due to Covid-19, Carol first trained herself on the tool and then created occasional sessions where she taught what she was learning to her sales team.

But you know what the best part is?

She has made her sales team aware of the importance of Data Quality and how it can help them create efficient reports to take clear actions on a given project.

It is clear that Rimsa is a dynamic company looking for practicality and productivity.


Objective: Continue learning from Efficy CRM

Today Rimsa already uses a high percentage of the tool and they have gradually improved their processes.

For them, Efficy is a simple and easy to apply CRM and they know they can get more out of it.

Furthermore, they have linked every offer they send to their customers to their website. This is something they like because it has helped them to be more efficient.

Currently the team is waiting for them to be able to travel so they can use the geopositioning module in the Efficy application for the first time and, mainly, to get more sales opportunities with the CRM.

The results

  • They have unified and optimized their work processes.
  • They have implemented weekly internal trainings, with the objective of making the most of the tool.
  • They acquire and promote the importance of having a Data Quality by the hand of Efficy.

Other references

  • Geesa logo
  • Trelleborg logo
  • Texaa logo