Created in 2009, Optissimmo works exclusively on the principles of tax exemption related to real estate investments.

With 23 advisors spread over 53 departments and a network of more than 150 developers, Optissimmo is able to support its customers throughout the country.

Due to sustained growth, the real estate tax exemption specialist Optissimmo has decided to professionalize its sales tools.

Lead management is one of its top priorities.

We needed a flexible solution that could adapt to the complexity of our business and manage our business processes and lead management from A to Z.
Denis Colomb
President and CEO

The project at a glance

  • picto

    15 Users

  • picto

    3000 monthly leads

  • picto

    3,8 M€ Revenues

The project's context

For the past three years, our company has been experiencing strong growth and regularly integrating new recruits. In this context, the use of a CRM system became vital.

In all, no less than 15 employees are responsible for acquiring and qualifying leads for the 35 or so specialized consultants spread throughout France. “From the qualification of the lead to the follow-up of the file and the invoicing, we used to use Excel tables which, even if they were very successful, had reached their limits”.

To structure the processes of this growing company, the Optissimmo teams did not hesitate: they decided to deploy a global solution to automate a maximum of tasks.

Thus, the contacts recovered from the marketing campaigns are directly integrated into the CRM before being automatically forwarded to a consultant, after qualification. In the end, more than 20 lead management steps are now managed within the company’s CRM.

Why choose Efficy CRM?

We chose Efficy CRM for all aspects of the sales process, from contact management to sales administration to accounting.

Thanks to this, we have been able to automate many tasks.

3,000 new leads processed each month

The main challenge was to adapt the CRM to our business needs. For example, we used to perform a lot of phoning actions with several contact processing steps.

To take just one example, today when a lead is qualified, a PDF is automatically created in the CRM and sent to the consultant with all the information he needs.

A considerable gain in efficiency, especially when managing more than 3,000 new leads per month.

A 360 degree controlled activity

On the management side too, the benefits of CRM are not long in coming.

We now have precise monitoring of the sales chain.

For each consultant, we have access to figures on the performance rate, the number of successful appointments, etc.

This is data that we could not obtain from an Excel file.

Towards marketing automation

And CRM opens up new business opportunities for the company. We realized that even though we were qualifying a large volume of leads, many existing or dormant contacts were not being processed.

To put it another way, a lead that was not mature at a given moment remained in our database without receiving any action from us. That’s why we are currently deploying Efficy Automation, a marketing automation solution that will allow us, in the long run, to “feed” these contacts, to keep a link to convert them at the right time.

Other references

  • DKV logo
  • Urios Beic logo
  • Visconti Partners logo
  • Baw Business at work logo