Naviland Cargo is a combined transport operator. European leader in combined sea transport, Naviland Cargo serves major European ports and has 11 branches in France and Belgium.

Its customers are shipping companies, shipping agents, freight forwarders, tankers, and carriers.

The project to equip sales forces with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool is driven by Senior Management in order to support the development of Naviland Cargo by structuring and developing the commercial approach.

Naviland Cargo has chosen Efficy for this project.

Efficy increases the efficiency of the services offered to customers and improves the Customer Relationship

In a context of strong development, having quality customer information both centralized and shared is one of the assets of the success of the sales teams.

The faster access to information makes it possible to improve the productivity of the teams in the planning of the visits or in the realization of the estimates.

Indeed, the product portfolio is managed in the CRM solution with the possibility for the Pricing team to manage it clearly (price, currency …).

Finally, reporting tools enable to follow the evolution of the commercial activity.

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