UITP (International Association of Public Transport in French) has over 1,800 member companies from 100 countries. This organization has 14 regional offices scattered around the world that work together thanks to Efficy. Indeed, it is thanks to the CRM solution that the sharing customer and prospect knowledge is done at UITP.

This is where Paul Debaix, UITP’s Senior Data Entry Manager, comes in. Paul is the database administrator and is also in charge of quality control. In this capacity he helps with the structure of their system and the management of the members. To do so, he uses Efficy CRM on a daily basis. Finally, Paul is also in charge of managing the access rights and the rights of the various members of the association on the “MyUITP” platform. This platform communicates directly with the CRM via SSO to grant or deny access, depending on the level of authorization linked to the membership.

Efficy was chosen as the CRM solution because it met the complexity of our membership and was very flexible in all developments as Efficy is fully customizable.
Didier Pesesse
Logistic & Applications Support Senior Manager

When UITP weighs on Efficy's roadmap...

Didier Pesesse is proud to say that the “Tree view” option, which has become a key feature in Efficy CRM, was developed thanks to a request from UITP. The tree view in Efficy CRM makes it possible to see graphically the links between different companies, more specifically in the case of UITP between parent and sister companies. This tree view functionality can also be applied to the Projects and Products views.

Efficy CRM was chosen because the solution met the complexity of their membership and was very flexible.

CRM, an essential tool for managing the ramifications of their members

Next comes Didier Pesesse, Logistic & Applications Support Senior Manager at UITP. In this role, he is the administrator of the CRM solution. In this capacity, he ensures that the CRM is kept up to date, produces the reports requested by UITP’s functional teams and helps the teams to segment the database.

UITP, thanks to developments, can see the history of members over the years in a module developed for this purpose. They have recently developed the ‘request for operational figures from member companies’ via a form that directly updates new data in the company profile.

“At UITP, we have direct members of our organization but also indirect members. For example, a global company is a member of UITP. This group includes ‘sister’ companies which are subsidiaries of that company and also have access to UITP services and different content. The on-demand reporting I do allows the UITP organization to have a consolidated view of these entities and thus better manage the associated content and access.”

Efficy and UITP: a relationship of trust for over 15 years

Efficy and UITP have had a strong relationship for over 15 years, with ups and downs, even if the downs are “very sporadic”, according to Didier Pesesse, but above all it is a relationship of trust.

Paul and Didier use Efficy CRM every day and are very happy with all the possibilities offered by the solution and all the benefits Efficy CRM brings on a daily basis.

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