Eyes-Road is the interprofessional platform of the optical industry whose vocation is to mutualize EDI exchanges and services.

Created at the end of 2002, Eyes-Road counts among its customers the biggest names of the world market. At the same time, three quarters of the French opticians can connect to the platform to exchange computerized and standardized data.

The services offered to its industrial customers (glassmakers, spectacle manufacturers, contactology laboratories), distributors and optical software publishers are, among others, electronic exchanges of product catalogs, orders, acknowledgements of receipt, delivery notes, invoices, and even tax dematerialization.

We therefore needed a simple, easy-to-use, flexible tool that would allow us to have different approaches. Our objective: to develop our reputation and to structure the sales department in order to quickly consolidate our sales.
Philippe Cellier
General Manager

The project at a glance

  • picto

    7 Users

  • picto

    207 members

  • picto

    1 M€ Revenue

The project's context

For this company manager, all the management of his company must be done through a single software, accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and from anywhere.

Therefore, the chosen solution has to be ultra efficient. In 2010, Philippe Cellier had his laptop stolen. To be operational again, after buying a new PC, the Eyes-Road manager will take almost 15 days to reinstall his software and recover all his professional data. “This event was the trigger. I immediately started looking for a fully integrated ERP-CRM tool in SaaS mode so as not to relive this situation.”

Looking for an all-in-one tool

From the entry of a prospect in our database to its transformation into a customer, through customer service or cash management, we wanted a complete tool to manage the company from A to Z. We needed to be able to access all the data related to our activity in one click.

Why choose Efficy CRM?

When I first used Efficy, I was struck by how easy it was to use and how highly customizable the tool was.

From invoicing to sales management to cash management, it was the only solution that met all our expectations.

Manage your company at 360 degrees

After four months and a lot of work on the data history, the solution was on track.

Because of Efficy’s immense customization capacity, we first multiplied the custom fields to reach about fifty for a single company! We quickly realized that this abundance of data – rarely used – was time-consuming to maintain and therefore unusable, so we reduced the number of fields to about fifteen. Today, I have access to our company’s history on a single, simple, intuitive tool that is accessible remotely 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In a few figures: more than forty marketing campaigns are sent to more than 6,000 contacts referenced in 4,700 companies; not to mention a ticketing system, the management of quotes, invoicing, annual contributions, etc.

Working better together

“When I’m on my way to an appointment, I can consult our client’s latest data in a few clicks on my smartphone: exchanges with support, quote requests, invoice and collection status, etc. A real plus for personalizing the pitch.”

In addition to this 360-degree vision of the customer journey, the fully integrated tool also facilitates exchanges within the Eyes-Road team: We are six collaborators, spread all over France; having a complete SaaS solution allows us all to be at the same level of information.

Efficy has become the cement of our collaboration.

It’s partly thanks to this improved collaboration that Philippe Cellier’s company has seen its turnover grow year after year: “One thing is certain: without Efficy’s tool, we would never have experienced such growth, with a threefold increase in the number of members/customers. “

Other references

  • GYSC logo
  • LSE logo
  • Saficard logo
  • 3D-reshaper logo