Founded in 1994, Datakit is one of only six companies in the world in the CAD data exchange market that provide native reading components.

“Globalization has made our business very competitive. Today we have to be present all over the world.
Our customers are everywhere, 80% of our turnover is realized abroad. Today we are continuing our development in Russia and China.”

We must be reactive, constantly work on our reputation and offer a quality service.

With Efficy CRM, running your business while traveling around the world is a breeze!
Francis Cadin

The project at a glance

  • picto

    14 Users

  • picto

    2 500 clients

  • picto

    3 M€ Revenues

Remote management

The whole team is based in France. On the other hand I am very mobile, I went to live 2 years in Santa Barbara in California then in Belize. And I’m just starting a world tour by motorcycle to meet my customers and distributors.

First of all, I can count on my team. We have been working together for a long time, our organization is well established. I’m not worried about anything. In addition, we all use Efficy CRM, which allows me to keep track of the company’s activity in a timely manner. I can access Efficy very easily from my laptop or mobile. All I need is an Internet connection.

We used to use Excel, I don’t even remember how we worked without Efficy.

Everyone on the team has an account, even the developers.

Efficy is the center of our internal information system, so I know everything in minutes.

I don’t have to talk to everyone every day and can focus more on the key points.

What are the benefits of Efficy CRM?

Without such a tool I wouldn’t be able to run my company on the road. But Efficy is also the CRM that allows us to manage and develop our commercial activity.

The software thinks for us and tells us who we should contact and when. It’s our memory. Our marketing department also uses it a lot, we launch our email campaigns and press releases via the CRM.

A collaborative solution

Efficy is the tool that allows me to follow the activity, to stay “connected”. I see the daily activity report and I know what’s going on, the emails exchanged, who phoned whom, what the call led to, etc. I can also follow the month’s invoices, the day’s orders, the month’s orders….

We also communicate a lot via the Efficy “newspaper”. Everyone can leave a message that is distributed to everyone. It’s much faster and more convenient than email exchanges, especially since all the history is well kept.

Other references

  • DKV logo
  • Gerontim logo
  • 3D-reshaper logo
  • Urios Beic logo