When it was founded in 1984, BPI Group innovated in the management of major restructurings by introducing staff redeployment.

Today, BPI-Group mobilizes its expertise around HR support for transformations: translating strategy into HR and social policy, organizational changes, QWL approaches, talent management, and economic development of a territory.

Located in France and abroad, BPI Group’s operational consultants and HR experts help companies and organizations through HR consulting.

Set up a simple and efficient CRM to get your teams to adhere to it and to unite your departments around a single solution for better sales management.
Emmanuelle Huguet
Sales and Marketing Director

The project at a glance

  • picto

    70 Users

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    Deployment in 2013

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    1 500 Collaborators

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    50 M € Revenues

The context

We had been looking to change our CRM for five years. Before that, all our tools were developed in-house, especially for customer relations. So what worried us most was choosing the right provider.

We wanted to work with a standard tool rather than a specific development. We were also afraid of transferring data from the old tool to the new one because it is very large. But the CRM has such important advantages (data analytics, reporting, remote access, link with social networks) that it pushed us to take the plunge.

You have to keep in mind the needs of users and management. You have to assume that you will cover 95% of the needs.

In our case, we had prepared a broader set of specifications to have fewer surprises as the project progressed. We had also identified the key topics upstream and we had assessed the teams’ ability to build the project.

Basically, if the users adopt the tool and if it is easy to use, it means that you have a good CRM project.

Why choose Efficy CRM?

We were looking for a more operational tool to collect information quickly and to allow us to better manage our sales activity. We also wanted to link the marketing and sales departments with this tool.

In addition, this CRM had to be a cross-functional tool because we are multi-trade. Finally, we had an international need: if Efficy had not been bilingual or trilingual, we would not have chosen it.

A first assessment

Efficy is more flexible, more intuitive and more collaborative than our old tool. For now, it is purely administrative and is open to the whole company. After that, we will focus specifically on marketing. In any case, in just a few months, Efficy has allowed us to collect much more information than before.

It’s easier for us to give the data back to our sales people. But I would like to go even further. In fact, there is a strong demand from management for more reporting. We are also waiting for a new functionality that will allow us to be operational for the consultants to synchronize all their data. In fact, we are gradually building up our power.

How did your teams experience this transformation?

Following a recommendation from Efficy, we focused on change management. We set up a deployment process with a joint Efficy/BPI Group team. During the launch, the key users trained the sales teams on the tool, then, in a second phase, we set up on-demand training with a hotline and a referent based in Paris.

One person is in charge of coordinating everything. We favour presence and proximity to users so that the tool becomes part of their habits more easily. As always, some employees found it easier than others to get used to the tool. In the last year, Efficy has been widely adopted by the users.

From the start of the project, we worked hand in hand with the IT department. I report to the sales and marketing department, but I also report to the IT department. We manage the project together. I’m in contact with them on Efficy management and maintenance. In fact, we are in the process of leaving part of the project to the IT department, mainly for technical issues. They will include the Efficy project in their governance project. For my part, I will continue to ensure the transfer of know-how.

Other references

  • Co-efficience logo
  • LSE logo
  • Octime logo
  • 3D-reshaper logo