psicologia en ventas - cognitive bias

This post was written by Mae

The psychology of selling has changed completely in the last decade and most companies are applying different sales strategies such as: consultative sales, SPIN sales, Cross Seling, etc.

Even first and foremost, it is important to understand that all decisions are based on the brain and are unconsciously driven.

As obvious as this may be, it should be understood that most sales models are based on how our brain reacts.

We hope that this article will help you develop different psychological tactics that can be useful in your negotiations. Here we go.

Let’s analyze 3 human factors about the psychology of selling

Research on the brain has shown that shopping is up to 95% unconscious

In 2008, the Max Planck Institute discovered that we rationally think we know why we buy, yet decisions are made unconsciously, and we are unaware of the fact that we have made a choice, even when we still think we are in that process.

Keep in mind that the unconscious decision to buy or not has been made before and this is where you have to start thinking about “what is it that unconsciously drives my buyer person”.

It is said in psychology of selling that when you execute a well-planned provocation, it will give you an answer.

Humans are social creatures, and the whole sales situation is driven by the social framework.

Throughout history, man has always been associated with the “order of the herd”.

For example, when we meet a group of people, we are unconsciously measuring how the order of command is grouped.

The psychological key at this point is to establish dominance in the sales situation. We’re not talking about you trying to “control your prospect”, it’s about managing the context of your relationship with them and being able to help them solve their need with your product or service.

If you show how reliable you are as a salesperson, without being in the background, it is because you have the fluency needed to negotiate.

Important point: There is always an Alpha and a Beta in a sales process. It is up to you what social scheme you want to establish.

Taking point 1 into account, it is vital to discover what drives people unconsciously

Most will say that it is the “emotions”, however, these are first filtered through values, beliefs, brain filters and driven by the imagination.

Emotions don’t move people, it’s the imagination, which makes it a correct brain function. It is itself a driving factor.

Most people buy unconsciously and it is essential to know what their instinctive strategy is in case you want to move it from point A to point B.

A key piece of information if you want to know how to move your prospects, you have to know what unconsciously motivates them, and there are ways to do this, for example, focus on the type of questions you ask, your sequence and your information gathering strategy.

What can help you is to create a profile that shows the unconsciousness of your buyer person and based on that, sell to that specific user.

After analyzing these 3 factors you knew that the top 20% of sellers earn 80% of the money, and the bottom 80% only 20% of the money.

Why does this happen? What does that group of 20% do to make a profit of 80%?

There is a book that explains perfectly the different ways to reach that kind of rank and in this post we will share some important points so you can apply them according to your business.

Highlights from the book “The Psychology of Selling” by Brian Tracy


The psychology of selling Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is an entrepreneur and sales and personal development writer. He has made over 70 books that have been translated into over a dozen languages and is considered one of the most influential people in the sales world.

His book “The Psychology of Selling” shows different techniques that the most successful salespeople use to close sales every day and is a must read for all professionals in the commercial world.

We have taken into account several key points that may be useful to you:

  • Research shows that you cannot earn more than 10% more or less than you expect to earn. However, to increase your sales, work on your inner self and believe that you can achieve higher sales goals. The more you have faith in your sales, the better your performance will be.
  • Fear of rejection and failure are the two main obstacles to making a sale. To face it without giving up, you need to work a lot on your self-esteem and realise that sales rejection is not at all personal.
  • Look at your goals and then visualize yourself reaching them, seeing it in the third person. Make sure you keep a relaxed attitude when you do this exercise, and if you get tense, correct it.
  • In psychology of selling, the most important human needs are: money, security, a loved one, prestige, health, praise, leadership, love, personal growth, personal transformation, power and influence. Based on these needs, ask questions to understand your prospect and analyze how your product or service can help them.
  • The 7 most important words in a sale are: “Spend more time with your best prospects”. Ask questions at the beginning to help you discover if the person you are calling is a potential customer. Observe the prospecting methods your salespeople use and apply them to your own practice.
  • When you’re talking about your product or service, your prospect is having an internal discussion in which they ask, in this order: “What’s in it for me”, “How much will it cost me”, “What will I earn”, “When will I get results” and “What guarantees do I have”.
  • List the 10 most attractive features of your product. Then determine why someone will want to buy it. Identify your “unique selling proposition”, which is the feature that will make your product stand out from the rest.
  • There are four elements in strategic selling: “specialisation, differentiation, segmentation and concentration”. Determine what specific benefits your product offers. Differentiate it from the competition, when possible, in terms of price, quality or even personality. In segmentation, find a group that is willing to want your product and focus on the prospects who are most likely to give you the best return.
  • According to psychology of selling, when you meet your potential clients, you need to establish 5 important points: assure them that you have something important to say, confirm that you are talking to the right person, guarantee that the meeting will be brief, inform them that they are under no obligation to make a purchase at that time, and finally, tell them that you do not want to generate pressure on them.
  • Discover your prospect’s point of attention (the benefit your client finds most interesting) and focus your attention on it.

In the world of sales psychology, anything is possible if you do it with analysis and strategy

Nowadays there are several techniques that every salesperson needs to take into account when making a sale.

However, before selling we must make a previous analysis, hand in hand with psychology of selling that helps us to define those points of pain or “scenarios”. Where our business can become the solution for the customers.

And thanks to this analysis, we can create one or more commercial strategies that are useful in this way:

  1. Understanding our customers
  2. Establish ties of commitment with them
  3. Above all, to satisfy your needs based on our product or service

Knowing how psychology helps us get more clients is in itself an intriguing and very beneficial process.

However, in every tactic we apply in every negotiation, it is important to write down everything we learn. Don’t do it in a Word or a notebook, do it in a CRM.

This tool can help you a lot, since you can automatically create a file with all the information of your prospect, take notes that help all your sales team and especially create notifications to follow up to the infinite and effective.

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