Expert Sessions

This post was written by David Jiménez

With Nathalie Goovaerts, owner Friday Cowork and #projecttelewerk

For the first session we invited Nathalie Goovaerts, owner of Friday Cowork and #projecttelewerk. Together with her we discussed the impact of COVID-19 on teleworking for both employees and employers.

Questions like: How can they organize working remotely as efficient as possible? What should we pay attention to in these unprecedented times?

And of course, what after COVID-19? Are we back to normal at work? Or will working remotely become the norm and reduce our mobility problems?

This first Expert Session was in English and took place on wednesday, April 29.

Nathalie Govaerts About Nathalie Goovaerts

As owner of Friday Cowork, Nathalie facilitates a full serviced workspace for self-employed professionals and anyone looking for a (temporary) workplace. In addition, through #projecttelework she makes telework possible within companies.
