
This post was written by David Jiménez

Last week we described how to qualify leads in order to feed your database. This week we’ll try to explain how to take advantage of these lead qualifications and more specifically which technics to use to generate leads and convert them into prospects for the Sales Team thanks to your CRM.

What’s lead generation?

Lead generation is often defined as the process of attracting and converting visitors or suspects into a prospect or someone who has shown interest in your company’s product or service.

What can be done to create this lead generation? The most common technics are inbound marketing campaigns via emails, social media posts or blogs.

Your goal should always be to transform your visitors into leads who are ready to take action with your company or services via, for example, calls-to-action leading to a landing page where they can ask for a free trial or a free demo.

What are the inbound marketing tools to transform your visitors into leads?

Email campaigns

An email campaign is a great tool because your contacts have generally already shown interest in your products or services as they gave you their contact details and they’re more willing to receive content about what you can offer them. The main advice we would give you is to insert Calls-to-Action in strategic positions of your email, generally on top and visually easy to see.

Reporting is the keyword to analyze your ROI for these kinds of campaigns. This is where a CRM is important as you will be able to track people clicking on your links in your CRM. You’ll also know which people in the campaign you created are engaging with you to generate a lead and are more “opened” to become a prospect.

Social Media

Social media posts help you to connect with your followers in a more informal way and allow you to provide them multiple messages in different formats like images or videos for example. You can’t easily do this with your email campaigns.

With social media, you can already direct them to your product offerings and content like blog articles, breaking news, events… This is where a good CRM can help you to track the results of these actions and see if your posts and your messages are working regarding your audience and generate leads.

Blog articles

A blog article allows you to go further into one specific feature of your product or service and show your visitor what are all the advantages of this feature. Then at the end of your article you can also put some call-to-action buttons such as “ask to know more”, “request a free trial”.

What are the outcomes of these inbound marketing technics and how could you link them to your CRM?

The outcomes should be to convert your visitors or social media followers into leads who are ready to take action with your company or services.

Your inbound marketing should then bring them to a landing page where they can ask for a free trial or a free demo.

This is where a CRM is really a key tool.

  1. First, a CRM gives you background information which will allow you to understand which kind of communication your contacts are engaging with.
  2. Second, if you don’t have connections with a reader/visitor of your website it will create a contact file in your CRM for this person that you’ll be able to use in the future.
  3. Third, it will help you to generate reports and to analyse the efficiency and ROI of your communication actions
  4. Finally, you’ll be able to link and share information about this prospect to your Sales Team in a very clear manner so they’ll just have to contact this person in an efficient and fast way to maximize your chances to transform this lead into a client.

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