gamification changing the crm game
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This post was written by Efficyers

Businesses and technologies go through changes, and customers’ preferences are changing too. Today, winning the customer is all about enhancing the customer experience. The most important question is, “How well do you know your customer?”

Brand loyalty, customer retention, sales, and revenues – three elements that every company wants, and that a customer relationship management (CRM) solution can help give you.

The global CRM market size is projected to reach 113.46 billion dollars by the end of 2027, as per Globalnewswire . With the CRM market headed for robust growth, maximising value from CRM is a crucial area of focus for all organisations.

A good CRM collects customer data and enables you to share it across your entire organisation. Customer data then empowers organisations to understand customer behaviour and trends to adapt strategies that increase profits. However, many businesses face challenges in adopting the right CRM solution. So, how exactly do you maximise the potential value and get your entire organisation onboard?

The main challenges of CRM adoption

Low adoption rates for CRM are one of the main challenges in CRM implementation and the reason for failure. If CRM adoption rates are low, your organisation will fail to gain maximum value, impacting your operations and revenues.

CRM works successfully on having relevant data. You may typically have sales teams or other teams that do not update information promptly or update incomplete information leading to data unavailability and inefficient utilisation of your CRM.

Employees may be working in silos and not motivated to use the system entirely. Gamification in CRM allows you to motivate your employees and improve engagement and collaboration across your enterprise – making your business more agile.

Now, let’s dig into the fun part.

Gamification in CRM – Kickstart your organisation’s success

Gamification in CRM results in better utilisation and ultimately motivates efficiency and profits. In many industry circles, it’s a new concept. How does gamification fit in with CRM? That’s a question you may be asking yourself.

Gamification can be defined as using game-based techniques to increase engagement in any business. An example includes various game elements (such as points, levels, badges, and others) as incentives. Slightly competitive, fun factors can increase collaboration and engagement at work.

Games trigger our pleasure centres. Tapping into our brains’ motivational machinery makes gamification techniques very effective. That is why using gamification in a CRM system provides higher levels of user engagement, return on investment, better data quality, and timeliness.

More about human brains and motivation with gamified CRM

There are two main types of motivation, extrinsic or intrinsic. Within extrinsic motivation, the user gets an incentive to perform a task. In contrast, intrinsic motivation is self-desire, where the interest depends on the user to do any activity without any external pressures or a desire for reward.

Gamification is mainly a form of extrinsic motivation with an incentive to do an activity – like using the CRM system. Using it aims to compensate for the lack of intrinsic motivation in staff towards using your CRM application.

All human beings are not the same, and you can find the exact reflection in your staff resource pool at the workplace. Some employees are self-motivated and work efficiently, while others lack inspiration and motivation. It is a challenge to change the behaviour of your staff in a short time. Here is where CRM gamification drives value.

gamification changing CRM game

How can gamification in CRM motivate your employees?

The gamification feature in a CRM can help you set up motivational rewards in the system based on various performance milestones. It builds up internal staff competencies, and you can use it to boost the performance of your staff at an individual level and a team level. Thus holistically, it improves the performance of employees across the organisation, leading to improved efficiency, productivity, better employee morale, and more profits.

Here are some ways to use CRM gamification to motivate employees in your organisation.

Set up performance targets

It’s great to motivate your teams to achieve some defined targets where they get rewarded. For example, you can set up gamification rewards to meet targets for your sales teams. Your staff can earn reward points for various targets like the number of sales calls made in a week, the ratio of sales call activity to close activity, or any other parameters that you feel reflect positively on your team’s KPIs.

A gamified CRM will encourage higher engagement, provide answers on how people are performing, and shed light on areas of improvement. You can set the targets for an individual or at the team level, or both.

Encourage continual success progressively

Gamification steps encourage people to do more of their excellent behaviour or progress on their needed business objectives and goals. You appeal to their predispositions psychologically to continue the excellent work.

For example, your customer service team members can earn rewards for continually reaching various levels of successfully resolving a number of customer issues. You encourage by rewarding people to continue practising any behaviour such as resolving your customers’ issues.

Set up rewards for achievements

You can design a rewards program and configure it in various forms in a CRM system. You can have multiple forms of rewards in the form of points or badges that can be redeemed. So, for example, any sales team member who finds a lead will earn some points.

On the operations side, a customer support executive can earn points for resolving a call successfully in less than 5 minutes and double the reward for fixing it in two minutes. Every week, the top-performing customer support executive can earn a badge that will be displayed on his profile.

Friendly competition with leaderboards

Healthy competition between your teams is fun and motivates employees, and bolsters team spirit. The fun competition will improve each individual’s engagement, team spirit, and power performance, increasing efficiency. For example, you can have reward points across teams, and the performance score is viewable across a leaderboard. Teams will compete to be on top of the leaderboard every month.

One great example of this is Belfius. They use the Peak Me Up application synced with Efficy CRM to motivate their sales team to play to reach objectives.

gamification winners

How can you use gamification tools for your business?

Businesses use CRM Gamification to gamify various tasks like training, marketing efforts, and team building to encourage and incentivize employees. Employees feel a sense of accomplishment and lots of fun when they engage.

If you have any challenges in your CRM adoption and want to maximise value from CRM, take a look at some core features of Efficy Gamified CRM. See how Efficy’s gamified CRM features can help your business by boosting user adoption.

Efficy’s expertise in CRM ensures you are in safe hands to adopt a gamified CRM for a winning strategy. It is a step toward gaining a competitive advantage and staying ahead of the race. It offers flexibility and ease of use in adopting gamified CRM features. Here is an overview of the features that await you in our CRM solutions.

You can have your employees complete training or accomplish tasks by adding a fun element through gamification. Implementing gamified CRM in the right way will get desirable results for organisations.

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Before you go:Download 5 ways to boost your sales

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