Sharing product knowledge throughout the company

Companies sell a great number of products, too many, in fact, to remember them all.

What about the newest addition to the portfolio, a flash promotion or a technical evolution?

With Efficy’s CRM solution, your product catalogue is always up-to-date and available for all the employees of the company.


Product screen: the foundation of the product catalogue

Efficy CRM offers an integrated product encyclopedia. Products can be listed either as single products or as packages, grouping a number of single products. For each product, there is a description, providing details about: its general characteristics, its price, sales pitch, inventory or promotional rates/dates.

A product manager can be assigned to each product and can view all claims and/or complaints related to a product. From this product screen, sales representatives are offered a description of the selling points of the product, as well as possible references from clients who have purchased this product in the past. You can also attach electronic documentation to a product.

In general terms, the content of this product base is either edited directly by the marketing department or generated by an external source.

The products are then accessible to the sales force when establishing a quote.

The product catalogue: the bible of marketing teams

For each customer or type of customer, you can create sets of preferred products, along with special rates or discounts which will be specific to this customer or type of customer.

You can also add a time criterion for these catalogues (e.g., product X is on offer until this date).

These catalogues can be organised hierarchically, each catalogue being based on a “parent catalogue”.

A tailored pricing system

Efficy solutions have an integrated pricing system based on a number of notions:

  • product price: this is the equivalent of the unit price, configurable directly in the Product Screen
  • catalogue discounts (which can be carried over from one catalogue to the next): catalogue discounts can be defined either in terms of numerical value or as a percentage reduction of the nominal value of the product in the catalogue.
  • discount validity dates: start and end dates for the discount are defined in the catalogue.

When issuing a quote, sales reps can easily manage their invoices, the system automatically issues the right price for the products, depending on their characteristics and options, etc.