mapa experiencia cliente

This post was written by Efficyers

All companies aim to provide the best possible service to their customers and for that, the customer experience map is one of the best sales tools.


It is in each interaction with a potential client that it is really determined whether a service has a good experience or not.

If you’re buying an iPhone and the product is amazing, the packaging is elegant, the features are great, but the treatment from the salesman who deals with you is a disaster, surely your overall experience is very bad.

I’m sure this has happened to you more than once in a restaurant, right?

To avoid what happens to your product or service, you can use the customer experience map.

Stay on this article to learn all about this tool.

Customer experience map, what is it and what is it for?

We can define this tool as the integral process that a person goes through from the moment a need arises until he ends up buying a product or service to satisfy it.

If you understand this process perfectly, you will be able to:

  • Find out where your customer is at each stage of their purchase and be there
  • Solving problems and objections in advance
  • Audit and optimise every step to ensure that you get the most customers and lose the least

How to develop a customer experience map?

To develop a customer experience map you have to follow 3 steps:

  • Identify the starting point and the end point
  • Map the intermediate points between these points
  • Optimize each of these points to the maximum

Identify the starting point and the end point

The easiest way to do this is to sit down with a pen and a blank sheet of paper.

To review this point, let’s do it with an example: running shoes.

The starting point might seem to be the moment when someone decides that they want to buy a pair of trainers to go running, but it is earlier:

The moment when someone decides that they are going to start running.

On the other hand, the moment of completion is evident:

The moment he puts on a new pair of running shoes and goes out to the market.

customer experience map

Map the intermediate points between these points

Once we have located these extreme points, we have to fill in our sheet with all the intermediate points.

With our example it would be:

  • Search for shoe information online.
  • Ask friends that run.
  • Ask at a sports shop.
  • Define a series of models from which to choose.
  • Find out about these models or try them out.
  • Buy a specific model.
  • Take it home and premiere it.

As you can see, these 7 points could be grouped into 3 categories:

  • The first 3 are points of consideration.
  • The 3 seconds are evaluation points.
  • The last 2 are points of purchase.

Almost always, no matter what the product or service is, customers go through points in these 3 categories.

customer experience map

Optimize each of these points to the maximum

Now that we have determined the key points, we can begin to optimize them.

In the former, for example, to ensure that we ourselves are this source of information, we might decide to set up a blog for new runners.

In the second, to ensure recommendations from our users, we could plan a membership scheme.

In the third, to ensure recommendation in sports shops, we could reach agreements and similar with some shops.

And so, it adds up and goes on.

As you can see, once you have mapped all the points, you “only” have to work on how to optimize each one of them.

To do so, there are 4 major trends on the rise right now.

Big trends optimizing a customer’s experience maps

With the rise of the Internet and technology, we are experiencing a significant change in the approach to these maps.

From a reactive to a radically proactive approach.

This means that we chase our clients like a telephone operator.

The key is to meet them and make sure that the client’s own journey brings value in itself, rather than being a mere formality to acquire a good or a service.

The keys to being able to carry out this approach lie in 3 capacities:

  • Automation.
  • Personalization.
  • Contextual interaction.


Automation involves simplifying and digitising steps that previously had to be carried out manually.

For example, right now, researching, buying and organising the delivery of running shoes can be a digital process that you do without leaving your home.

A few years ago this was unthinkable.

Although it may seem somewhat obvious, the construction of specialised process automation platforms can be a major business advantage.


Based on automation, companies should be in a good position to collect all the information about a potential customer and, based on that, to customize their experience.

The key to doing this is, without doubt, a CRM.

Contextual interaction

The last key is to understand, on the one hand, where the customer is on his shopping trip exactly when he contacts us.

At that point and based on previous experiences with other similar clients, it is important to guide you on the rest of your journey from that point in the most automated and personalized way possible.

How can I start automating, customizing and interacting with my customers?

The best way to do this is, without a doubt, with a CRM.

And for that, Efficy is the best.

If you want, you can try it out right now.

Try Efficy CRM
The most complete CRM


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