CRM tool

This post was written by Efficyers

Every business is a world.

A neighbourhood agency with 6 employees has nothing to do with an IT consultancy firm of 50 people or with a car company.

Each one has a different type of problem, different characteristics and different commercial equipment.

And since these 3 cases are not at all similar to each other, there are countless others.

And what does this have to do with CRM tools?

Well, more than you might think, because CRM is customer management software that has to adapt to the business that uses it, and not the other way round.

So, if there are thousands of different companies, are there also thousands of different CRMs?

Although there are many different CRMs, there are not that many, not by a long shot.

To bridge this gap, CRMs have become modular software.

That is, within your own system you have different modules or tools that allow you to do different things and adapt to more types of business.

What are the best CRM tools?

That will depend a lot on who you ask and whether you are a CRM provider or a CRM customer.

At Efficy, for example, we have 19 different CRM tools. However, some of the most important ones are

  • Opportunity tracking
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Reporting
  • Interaction log
  • Segmentation
  • Web forms

CRM tools

Tracking of opportunities

Thanks to the tracking of sales opportunities, a salesperson who uses this tool can follow up as long as necessary without being tiresome.

Thanks to this module he can access all interactions, whether past or future, and knows the whole context of the customer he is in contact with.

Once you have spoken to him, you can schedule the next call and plan the rest of the process until closing.

Marketing campaigns

From the CRM itself you can manage marketing campaigns, allowing better communication between sales, marketing and customer service and obtaining better results and better ROI in your actions.


All the information from the CRM can be crossed to generate reports with a few clicks that allow better control and monitoring of what is happening in your business.

Furthermore, all this information can be exported to Excel or PowerPoint if you want to continue working on a specific tool or use it in other contexts than reports.

Interaction Log

With this tool you can keep track of all the communications from a client or a lead who has used the channel they have used (telephone, email, visit…)

Having all this centralised makes it easier to run your business on a day-to-day basis, with everyone having a 360º view of each client.


Thanks to this tool you can customize marketing and sales actions ensuring that the right message reaches the right person at the right time.

This naturally boosts sales and improves customer satisfaction.

Web forms

With this tool you can generate forms to be integrated directly into your website so that the data recorded by your users is immediately and automatically registered in your CRM.

Moreover, this integration can be done without the need to involve your technical team to make everything easier.

Do you want to start using these 6 CRM tools?

At Efficy we understand that every business is a world, so we listen to you first and if we think we can help you we prepare a tailor-made solution, thanks to the fact that we are the most flexible and scalable CRM on the market.

Your teams need the best business tools at their disposal.

So we make sure you don’t spend time and money finding the optimal solution. Instead, we make it for you.

The best proof that the system works is that we have over 4,500 customers in more than 33 countries.

You can start managing your business with the best possible CRM tools today.

Shall we talk?

Try Efficy CRM
The most complete CRM


To know more:

CRM tool
Which CRM modules does any CRM have and which ones have a good one?
The phases of CRM: how to sell more and how to implement it