CRM Manager

This post was written by Efficyers

The figure of the CRM Manager is widespread in Anglo-Saxon countries.

And in this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about this professional, whether you are a company looking to hire, or someone who is oriented towards a career in this field.

What is a CRM Manager?

The CRM Manager is ultimately responsible for your CRM strategy and is therefore in charge of:

  • Choosing a CRM based on the needs of your business.
  • The management of the CRM databases.
  • The planning of the company’s CRM strategies.

In short, he is the person in charge of ensuring that everything to do with a CRM in the company works smoothly.

Is a CRM Manager the same as a CRM Analyst?

No. Although the functions of the two sometimes overlap, these two are different profiles.

The CRM Manager focuses on the comprehensive management of the company’s CRM strategy and tool and usually reports to the marketing director or general manager.

The CRM Analyst focuses on extracting Insight and quality information from the CRM. He or she also segments it and prepares it so that it is easy to digest. This profile usually reports to the CRM manager or, in his absence, to the marketing manager.

CRM Manager vs CRM Analyst

Why are these two profiles sometimes confused?

Simply because in very small companies without a budget for a CRM Manager it is common to hire an Analyst who, in addition to his or her job, manages the broader CRM strategy.

On the other hand, in companies with a slightly larger budget that can opt for a CRM Manager but not a complete team, this profile usually also takes on the tasks that an analyst would perform.

What are the functions of a CRM Manager?

There are many functions that this type of professional performs, however, there are 5 that stand out above the rest in their day-to-day work:

  1. Analysis and monitoring of the main KPIs and CRM actions.
  2. Transforming data into business insights.
  3. Supporting other departments in their use of the tool or their data.
  4. Collaboration in the definition and execution of different marketing campaigns.
  5. Customer Loyalty.

Analysis and monitoring of the main KPIs and CRM actions

Like all departments, the CRM department has some KPIs to monitor to ensure the smooth running of the department.

It must also carry out a series of recurrent actions such as maintaining the database in good condition, resolving incidents or improving the quality of data.

The ultimate responsible for these 2 areas is the CRM Manager.

Transforming data into business insights.

A CRM brings together a great deal of information and a great deal of data.

A good CRM Manager is responsible for converting this information into useful pills for other departments or for the company’s general strategy.

This brings us, by the way, to the next point:

Supporting other departments in their use of the tool or their data

The CRM Manager and his or her colleagues are not the only ones to use the CRM extensively in a company:

  • The marketing department needs a CRM for managing marketing campaigns.
  • The sales department needs a CRM for monitoring sales.
  • The customer loyalty department needs a CRM to manage its programmes.

And so, practically all the departments of the company.

In some cases, these professionals will have a very continuous use of the tool and will reach a very high level of management and understanding.

When this is not the case, it is the job of the CRM Manager to ensure that the tool and its data are manageable for the whole company.

Collaboration in the definition and execution of different marketing and customer loyalty campaigns.

Although all departments without exception benefit from the use of a CRM on a daily basis, marketing and loyalty departments do so especially when launching campaigns and programmes.

This is because, as all the information on customers, suppliers, partners and, in short, all the company’s stakeholders is centralised, only through this tool can you segment and monitor different groups of people.

As you can see, it is not by chance that the CRM Manager reports very frequently to the marketing director.

What is the most in-demand training for this profile?

There are different university degrees that provide a person with a good starting point for working as a CRM Manager:

The 4 most frequent branches are:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Statistics.
  3. Economics, Marketing or Business Administration.
  4. Engineering or computer science.

This does not detract from the fact that, little by little, degrees are losing their relevance in most companies in favour of experience and skills. And in the world of CRM this is no exception.

The 5 most demanded skills for this profile (far above the university training) are

  • Experience in managing CRMs in general and the CRM used by the company in particular.
  • Knowledge of the market in which the business operates.
  • Skills in the use of data visualization tools (Tableau, Qlikview, PowerBI, …).
  • Knowledge of programming, especially SQL language.
  • Good communication skills.

How much does a CRM Manager charge?

To answer this question, we have analysed the job offers published in 2020 for this profile in the main portals in Spain.

After their analysis we have discovered that the salary range of this worker depends a lot on:

  • The size of the company you will be working for.
  • Whether he is going to manage a team or be on his own.
  • The years of experience required.

However, in spite of the great variations we can say that:

The average salary of a CRM Manager in Spain is 38,806 euros per year.

On the other hand, the average salary is 40,000 Euros.


Salary CRM Manager

With respect to the minimum and maximum salary that we have found for this profile, they are, respectively, 20,000 Euros and 65,000 Euros per year.

What is the main tool in the day-to-day running of this profile?

Obviously, the CRM.

Depending on the company you work for, a CRM of one kind or another.

Aware of this need for customisation, Efficy is by far the most adaptable CRM on the market.

Why not try it out?

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The most complete CRM


Learn more:

How does CRM-training benefit the implementation of your CRM-project?
How do loyalty programs work?
The most important sales KPIs for a salesperson and your company

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