CRM tool

This post was written by Efficyers

To answer this question, we have to go back to the origin:

What is a CRM?

CRMs are business management software with which you can centralise your company’s information; especially all the information relating to your customers and your sales.

By doing so, you ensure that everyone in the company has a panoramic view of all your customers and that communication, both inwards and outwards, flows smoothly.

On the other hand, you get your commercial department to carry out a more precise, more elaborate and more automated sales management,  by allowing them to have more information about the client with whom they are trying to close the sale and to have a system to follow up the sale without being burdensome.

CRM is also the philosophy behind the implementation of a tool of this type and whose maxim is to put the customer at the centre of your business.

Although it is both a management philosophy and a tool, when people use the term it is almost always to refer to the latter.

What CRM applications are needed by a company?

There are 3 major changes that a business undergoes when it starts using a CRM:

  • The relationship with customers is improved.
  • More customers are attracted.
  • Internal communication is improved.

    CRM applications

    The relationship with customers is improved

    Thanks to having a CRM in your business and centralising all your customer information in it, everyone in your company has an overview of each customer and all the communications they have had with them.

    So when you pick up the phone or answer an email, even if someone hasn’t spoken to that particular customer, they have all the information and know them as if they had already dealt with them.

    This is noticed by the client and improves the relationship you have with them.

    More clients are attracted

    According to various reports, up to 80% of sales are closed after contacting the person concerned 5 times.

    However, 90% of the time, salespeople do not contact more than 4 times.

    Do you realise how much business are left on the table because you do not follow up properly?

    This happens because, without a CRM application, following up on a potential customer without being burdensome is almost impossible. But with a CRM it’s super easy.

    That’s why when you apply a CRM to the work of your commercials, their sales soar.

    Internal communication is improved

    In addition to improving communication with customers, internal communication is also improved thanks to a CRM.

    When you talk to a customer and have to set a task or refer it to someone, from within the tool itself you can notify anyone and set up a reminder in due course.

    This simple gesture allows communication to flow much better.

    How CRM applications can be implemented in a company?

    There are 4 phases that you should go through when implementing a CRM in your organisation

    1. Knowing your sales system and your business
    2. Define objectives.
    3. Define responsibilities.
    4. Train your staff.

    Knowing your sales system and your business

    Every business is a world, and therefore, every sales system is a world.

    Before starting with the implementation of a CRM you need to understand well how your company gets new customers and what needs the tool of your choice has to cover.

    Define objectives and deadlines

    As with any major change you want to make to your business, you need to plan both the scope of the project and a timeframe for carrying it out.

    Meet with the people responsible for carrying it out and set these milestones before you start.

    Define responsibilities

    Usually, except in very small companies, the implementation of a CRM in the day-to-day business usually involves several people and several departments.

    The best way to carry it out is therefore to select the people who will captain the project and define the responsibilities within it of each of them.

    Train the staff

    Once the CRM is implemented, you need everyone in your company (and especially the sales people) to start using it and to do so at all times.

    Like all tools, all CRMs have a learning curve, and in many cases, not knowing how to use it correctly means that those who have to use it do not.

    To avoid this, make sure you train everyone who will be using it correctly. They should learn how the tool works and what processes are going to be carried out with it.

    What are the most used CRM applications?

    Many times before starting to use a software of this type, it is sought that CRM is the best known or most used.

    That way it seems easier to choose the right tool to use, but it is not the best way to do it.

    CRM applications are tools that need to be adapted to your business, and the type of tool you need if you are 3 people working in the business or a company with 200 employees has nothing to do with it.

    That’s why, instead of asking yourself which CRM is the most used, you should analyse your sales process in depth or get advice.

    How we at Efficy provide you with the perfect CRM application

    At Efficy we understand that every business is a world, so first we listen to you and if we think we can help you we prepare a tailor-made solution, thanks to the fact that we are the most flexible and scalable CRM on the market.

    This way, we make sure you don’t spend time and money trying out all the CRM applications available. Instead, we make it for you.

    The best proof that the system works is that we have over 4,500 customers in more than 33 countries.

    You can start managing your business in the most professional way possible today.

    Try Efficy CRM
    The most complete CRM


    Learn more:

    Why should you use a CRM software?
    The best CRM tools you can have for your business
    Free CRM: Real good idea or scam?
    Why should you use a CRM insurance for your company?
    With a Sales CRM you will improve your results
    What is it and why do you need a CRM for business?
    How to write an effective and successful business plan
    How to set sales goals in your company?

    CRM tool
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