webCRM joins Efficy group


I’m very excited to announce you that today Efficy enters Scandinavian market with the acquisition of webCRM.

Why this operation?

As you know our ambition is to consolidate the market in order to build the European CRM champion, able to compete with American mastodons. With the help of webCRM, we’re now present in Northern and Western Europe.

Who is webCRM?

For those who don’t know the Scandinavian market well enough…
webCRM is the nr.1 independent CRM provider in Denmark. Since 2005, webCRM offers a very configurable, easy to use and highly secure cloud-based CRM system. webCRM employs 40 people in Denmark and Sweden, and has partners in Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. webCRM counts very successful Small and Medium companies as references: JUC, Dantaxi, Optikerforeningen, FDIH, etc.

Efficy group in figures

300 people
Offices in 15 countries
8.000 customers for 205.000 users
Forecasted turnover: €35M
1 ambition: help you succeed and become the #EuropeanCRMChampion

Stay tuned
Cédric Pierrard, Efficy Group CEO