Customer loyaltyEmotionProspecting

This post was written by Laetitia

One of the most important aspects in the world of sales is without a doubt the process of attracting new customers. This is why the strategies that you use must be effective in order to be successful in the sale.

Maintaining good communication with customers, attracting them, and keeping them satisfied are challenges for the company.

In this article, you will find the best strategies to add new customers to your referrals in a market marked by competition. In any case, one should not lose sight of values such as face-to-face communication and honesty.

The best strategies to attract customers

Discover the interests of your customers

This principle is fundamental: understanding the needs and requirements of customers creates an environment of trust and security.

Experts say that when entrepreneurs invest in discovering their customers, their expectations, they get added value, and this is really useful.

Today there is the buyer persona. You might be wondering what that means, well, we’ll explain it to you in a few words here. Alternatively, you can find a previously published article to learn all about the persona.

He or she represents the reference customer, who will talk about you and the services you offer.

To draw this profile, you need to interview as many customers as possible. From there, you can identify the interests, needs and expectations of your “buyer”.

Know the four big missions of marketing

Usually, marketing is about achieving 4 big goals, so get to know them:

  1.  Captivate: arouse the curiosity of customers, publish information about your business on the web, social networks, etc. The idea is to grab their attention by giving a real good image of your company, by sharing your values and always by acting honestly. Avoid deceptive offers.
  2. Capture: It’s about attracting people to buy your products. If a customer turns to your business to check prices or if they have any other question, it is imperative that they get the answer quickly and continue the visit.
  3. Convert: every time a customer comes, he or she leaves with one of your products.
  4. Retain: It means to bring back your buyers. They bought once, they need to come back another time to buy more.

Effective communication

There is nothing nicer than a truly warm, polite, and respectful communication.If you want to win over new customers, drop these boring behaviors like a ready-made, mechanical and unnatural formulas. Leave that to customer service bots.

Be friendly, polite, and courteous. If you have the customer in front of you, look them in the eye and talk about the benefits your products will bring them. Talk about the benefits of your business.

Demonstrating effective communication is an empathetic attitude that will help you establish a favorable climate with your customers.

Take advantage of complaints and comments

It is far better for the user to disagree rather than leave without giving you any explanation.

Complaints will help your business to grow, help you improve your services and your reputation.

When a customer complains, listen carefully, avoid getting upset, act quickly to correct the fault, apologize, and thank them. Don’t promise something you can’t keep and remember to always act honestly. If you follow this advice, you will retain your customers.

Have permanent contact with your customers

Studies in this area indicate that online and mobile services need to be “faster and more intuitive” to be useful. It is therefore key to maintain permanent and regular contact with your client. This procedure is closely linked to an effective corporate communication strategy.

Developing a constant relationship with your customer allows you to effectively control what the user thinks about your business or activity. Do follow up by phone, email, social media, etc.

Distribute regularly updated information content and circulate this information regularly, by sending newsletters for example. Send emails once a month detailing your latest news, your offers, your press releases.

Earn the trust of your customers

Trust is a transcendent human value; life relationships based on trust are linked to security.

By applying this principle to business, if you can gain the trust of your customers, they will be happier and more confident with your brand. Gaining this trust involves integrity and sincerity.

Remember to act with good intentions. Get rid of your obsession with attracting new customers and then forget about the offers. Trust is usually broken if the customer perceives that the company wants to take advantage of him or her and does not act in the common interest.

Remember that popular adage “the customer is always right”. Even if sometimes they are not right, or even wrong, try to give in to their demands, listen to his complaints, suggestions or opinions. This is a sign of common sense and market intelligence.

Invest in marketing

Last but not least, you should think about the following points:

  • Create a brand with an identity.
  • Be better organized to focus on your customers and your business.
  • Design a plan in which you ask yourself, “How much are customers spending and why?”. This will help you to save money.
  • Investing in inbound marketing and in sales funnels is an incredible way to attract and retain customers.

Use social media to promote your products directly, and take advantage of the social networks to offer your company’s services in real-time.

Invest in online promotions. You can use them on different search engines, like the classic one as Google, Yahoo… This will give you optimal results for your business.

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