
This post was written by David Jiménez

Welcome to the second blog in our series where we ask AI (artificial intelligence) about essential B2B marketing topics, diving deep into its answers with expert input.

As we continue to explore the world of AI-assisted marketing, we come across one of its most crucial aspects, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

SEO is undoubtedly one of the most powerful weapons in the modern marketer’s arsenal. And when used in sync with AI, it becomes a driving force for greater traffic and conversions.

In this blog, we want to explore why B2B marketers need to understand the relevance of AI in SEO and how you can use it to achieve better results.

Ready? Let’s start by outlining a few concepts…

What is AI?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to the ability of a machine or computer programme to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, like recognising speech, understanding language, making decisions, and learning from experience.

You’re probably already using AI in your daily life, such as:

  • Google Maps providing real-time route suggestions due to traffic
  • Your Facebook or Instagram feed continually updating with personalised posts and recommendations
  • Amazon customer service chatbot assisting you with an order issue
  • Netflix suggesting what you should watch next

Yep, that’s all AI.

What is AI SEO?

AI for SEO refers to the use of that same technology to improve and scale your SEO performance in search engines such as Google and Bing.

Basically, AI can use data analytics, natural language processing, and predictive analytics to help you uncover all the different ways you can improve your rankings.

Content tools like ChatGPT and Google’s BERT and Rankbrain, as well as SEO-specific tools like Semrush and Ahrefs are all examples of AI for SEO.

“But how can I use AI SEO?” Well, we’re glad you asked.

Marketers can use Artificial Intelligence tools to determine the most effective keywords and phrases and analyse user behaviour and preferences to optimise their website content and structure accordingly.

We’ll cover this more below with input from AI itself.

Why is AI SEO important?

With more than 8.5 billion Google searches a day, Artificial Intelligence has become extremely valuable for SEO marketers to stay relevant.

With AI at your fingertips, you’ll be able to stay on top of rapidly changing search engine algorithms, understand the context of user behaviour and intent, and incorporate the latest trends and practices into your optimisation efforts.

Why is AI SEO important?

Pros and cons of AI for SEO

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for AI and SEO, let’s look at some of the positives and negatives aspects of applying AI in search engine optimisation.

Pros and cons of AI for SEO

First the downsides:

Technology dependency

Too much dependency on AI tools could lead SEO marketers to rely more on machines than on human skill and intuition, jeopardising creativity and innovation.

When proactive human reasoning declines and complacency prevails, we could end up in a repetitive landscape without the out-of-the-box decision making necessary to make brands shine.


AI is next-level tech, and its cost reflects that.

With the implementation of AI requiring considerable investment and expertise, it can make it difficult for growing organisations to compete with large, better-resourced companies.

Security risks

Artificial Intelligence systems are vulnerable from attacks by cybercriminals. This could expose sensitive user data and put users at risk.

It’s important for companies to have strong data protection policies in place and for users to be aware not to put sensitive information into certain AI that learn from that data (such as ChatGPT).

Inaccurate data

AI tools rely heavily on data — if its data is inaccurate, its results will be too. This could lead to SEO errors or poor strategic decisions.

That said, as its name suggests, AI is intelligent, and a good Artificial Intelligence tool will be accurate much more often than not (outperforming Joe and his Excel sheet in accuracy by up to 80%).

Just always your own intuition to scrutinise its results, looking out for any discrepancies.

No doubt, AI has many advantages for search engine optimisation, and it’s up to SEO marketers to find ways to properly integrate, train and utilise AI optimisation for their businesses.

Some of the advantages to work with are:

Improved analytics

AI tools provide a more detailed analysis of user behaviour, metrics, and trends in real-time, so you can move faster and make more informed decisions.

These insights can be used to improve the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns and targeted ads, provide information on customer needs, and much more.

Deeper personalisation

As we now know, Artificial Intelligence enables SEO marketers to collect a wide range of user data — but past just collecting it for you, great AI tools can take it step it a further to highlight how you can create more personalised content, boosting your customer engagement and conversion rates.

Increased efficiency

AI tools can perform manual tasks on your behalf such as data analysis, keyword selection, and content creation with greater speed, accuracy, and consistency — allowing you to achieve their goals faster.

Better user experience

A smooth user experience is key in SEO.

Artificial Intelligence can help you create more relevant and engaging content and optimise your website for a faster mobile experience, better design, and navigation, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Higher search rankings

AI tools help SEO marketers rank higher by analysing your performance against search and competitor data, highlighting the precise steps you need to take to rise to the top.

Overall, AI can provide significant benefits to marketers looking to improve their SEO efforts and content creation strategies.

By leveraging AI tools, marketers can increase their productivity, improve their workflow and better understand the behaviours and preferences of their target audience.

But not only that, with the right approach, B2B marketers can effectively implement AI in SEO and significantly improve their brand’s visibility, ranking, and revenue growth as well.

With all the things AI has in store for SEO we asked ChatGPT:

How can a marketer use AI in SEO?

And the answer didn’t disappoint,

How can a marketer use AI in SEO?

With this information at our fingertips, it’s fair to say that AI is the next big thing in SEO (and will remain so for the foreseeable future).

Companies that fully embrace AI SEO will gain a huge competitive advantage.

It’s vital to integrate AI applications into your SEO strategy to improve your chances of attracting more visitors to your website, gaining leads, and ultimately converting them into loyal customers.

With that in mind, we wanted to ask one more question to our friend ChatGPT:

How to use AI SEO to improve any website?

What it had to say:

How to use AI SEO to improve any website?

By following these steps, a website owner or any marketer can use SEO AI to optimise a website, improve their search engine rankings, and increase their online visibility.

No doubt, using AI will make the optimisation process faster, more accurate, and more efficient.

AI can be a game-changer for B2B marketers looking to make a real impact on their SEO and achieve lasting results.

Our suggestion: take the time to learn AI-assisted tools like chatbots, analytics, and automation such as SEMrush, BrightEdge, ChatGPT, or Google Analytics.

These tools will help you improve your SEO, find new insights, and boost your overall marketing strategy.

With AI by your side, you’ll stay one step ahead of the competition and in tune with your audience’s needs to drive more conversions and success.

Want to learn more about how you can use AI to boost your marketing efficiency and prowess? Be sure to join us for the next part of our blog series, where we’ll have a closer look at the power of AI in B2B marketing.

In the meantime, book a demo with our experts and discover the power of our tool adapted to your business needs.

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Marketers Ask AI:

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