
This post was written by David Jiménez

Welcome to our exciting new blog series – Marketers Ask AI – where we’ll be teaming up with some of the most advanced AI (artificial intelligence) tools available to explore the world of B2B marketing.

Content creation is vital for marketing success — and staying ahead means embracing AI. Fun fact: 81% of marketers see content as a core strategy, while over 80% are using AI in their online activities.

Needless to say, in order to stay two steps ahead of the competition, you’re going to need to harness its power.

Join us as we dive in and ask ChatGPT the tough questions about the latest trends and tactics in the world of B2B marketing.

With AI prowess and real-world marketing professionals working hand-in-hand, we can double our power to uncover some golden nuggets and find new ways to create content that captivates and converts.

The first question we want AI to answer is: “How can AI be implemented in Marketing Operations?”

So, let’s get started and see what kind of magic we can conjure up together…

Key Takeaways:

  1. By leveraging AI, marketers can automate repetitive tasks, analyse customer behaviour and personalise their marketing communications, streamlining marketing processes and improving the customer experience.
  2. Effective Marketing Operations helps manage the entire marketing process, from planning to execution, contributing to revenue growth and customer retention.
  3. Implementing AI in Marketing Operations offers numerous benefits, such as automating tasks, providing insights and recommendations, and delivering better experiences to target audiences.


Why start with AI and marketing operations?

AI is transforming everything it touches in its path, and that includes Marketing Operations.

It’s becoming a game changer for brands and organisations, like efficy, looking to streamline their marketing processes and improve the customer experience, (these being some of the reasons we’ve decided to create this series 😉).

By leveraging AI-based tools, marketers can automate repetitive tasks, simplify analysing customer behaviour, and personalise their marketing communications on a deeper level.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and challenges of implementing AI into these operations, but before that let’s start with something more basic…

So, what is Marketing Operations?

Marketing Operations (MO) is the process of managing marketing activities to optimise productivity and streamline reaching business objectives.

In B2B, MO are key, as they ensure that our marketing efforts are targeted, efficient, and measurable.

Effective marketing activities helps manage the entire marketing process — from planning to execution — and contributes to revenue growth and customer retention.

“Marketing operations is the heartbeat of our team, ensuring seamless coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness in every campaign. By conducting an effective marketing operations process, we empower our team to deliver impactful results, achieve our goals, and continuously improve. Together, we drive success.”

– Frida Bogren, Marketing Operations Manager at efficy

Frida Bogren, Marketing Operations Manager at efficy

To picture how this process looks like, we asked AI:

What is a common Marketing Operations process in a B2B business?

What is a common Marketing Operations process in a B2B business?

Following this process, whatever it looks like in your organisation, is important to help ensure that the marketing team works smoothly and effectively.

With a clear set of guidelines and workflows to follow, it’s easier to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and fine-tune your efforts to meet the marketing objectives.

AI can certainly help your B2B marketers improve the performance of their existing operations, but AI or not, any marketing department needs to have a process in place before executing any activity aimed at generating leads, conversions, or revenue in order to have successful results.

Some important elements to consider are:

Identify your objectives

Before implementing AI in your Marketing Operations, it’s essential to identify the specific objectives you want to achieve.

For example, you may want to increase sales, improve customer engagement, or increase brand awareness.

Collect and analyse data

It’s crucial to collect and analyse data from a variety of sources, such as customer behaviour, social media activity, and website metrics.

Once you have the data, you can use AI tools to identify patterns and insights that can inform your marketing strategy.

Understand customer behaviour

By understanding customer behaviour, you can create more effective marketing campaigns, thereby improving customer loyalty.

AI can be used to predict customer behaviour, such as how likely a customer is to make a purchase or which products, they’re most likely to buy.

Bottom line, AI may be a valuable tool for our marketing operations, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to do all our work.

After identifying objectives, collecting and analysing data, and predicting customer behaviour, we can leverage AI to refine our overall marketing strategy.

Having said that, and without further ado, we asked AI:

How can AI be implemented in B2B Marketing Operations?

And here is what ChatGPT had to say:

How can AI be implemented in B2B Marketing Operations?

As you can see, implementing AI in Marketing Operations offers numerous benefits, enabling marketers to create more personalised, effective and efficient campaigns.

At efficy, we have a team of professionals in advertising, SEO, analytics, content, etc., who use AI marketing technologies (such as, Google Analytics, Semrush, Leadoo, among others) to generate leads.

Our Marketing Operations Manager oversees that these strategies implemented by the marketing team are effective — made most effective through a CRM.

A CRM solution, such as efficy, allows you to track where each and every lead comes from, automatically following up with Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) and account executives, in order to reach desired revenue.

However, it also brings with it some challenges that need to be addressed. Leveraging AI will require a gradual shift from traditional approaches to data-driven marketing.

But with the right tools and strategies, brands can unlock the full potential of AI to optimise their Marketing Operations and gain a competitive advantage.

With all this, it seems the time has come to explore the possibilities and embrace AI as a transformative force in marketing.

That wraps up our first blog in this series exploring how AI tools can help us meet the challenges of B2B marketing.

Oh, and before you go, if you want to test how to measure every lead you get from any AI tool you have, try using a CRM like efficy — ask for a demo now!

We hope you found it as interesting and eye-opening as we did. If there’s a specific topic you’d like to see covered in our next blog, leave us a comment below and we’ll be sure to add it to our list.

Don’t forget to follow us for more interesting updates as we delve deeper into the world of AI tools and B2B marketing — until next time!

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Marketers Ask AI:

How Content Marketers Can Use ChatGPT to Drive Efficiency
Marketers Ask AI: How to Use AI for SEO?