Customer satisfactionCustomization

This post was written by Laetitia

Selling should be easy, don’t you think? Especially when you have the right product for the right market. And yet… Many salespeople tend to make this task difficult while it is not that complicated. They are then investing too much effort and time. Why do they do this? Because they simply do not have a sales strategy.

The type or size of your business doesn’t matter. The development and execution of sales strategies are essential for the good operation of any business. Moreover, if you don’t have the basic tools to close sales, you will lose money and your reputation.

Whatever you sell, it is your sales strategy that will make a customer choose your business or, conversely, one of the competitors.

With these sales strategies, you will be able to grow your numbers with efficiency.

1. Stop the harassment!

The sellers get straight to the point. A good salesperson will talk to you about his or her product at the right time. For example, at Efficy, the first time we call a prospect, we say something like:

“Nice to meet you, Jacques! I guess you gave us your contact details on our website because you want to sell more, right? At Efficy, we’re obsessed about improving the productivity of our clients. This is one of the reasons why we’ve developed our own client management tool, which you may be interested in. You will be able to generate more revenue and your staff will feel better organized. Do you want to tell me a bit more about how your business works and I will explain to you all that Efficy can do for you? ”

One way to sell more is to prepare your sales speech over the phone. It’s possible to involve your client as much as possible in your product or service and to make him understand that your primary intention is to offer him your help!

2. Control what you sell

An essential step for any successful business strategy is to know what you are trying to sell. If you do not know the features of your product or all the benefits it brings to customers, you will not be able to answer potential customer questions or address their objections.

Use sales pitches or test the product/service to answer any questions on the subject.

3. Adopt the language of your audience

Whether your product is simple or complex, your task is to find a simple and straightforward way to describe it, to anyone. People like to understand things quickly. It makes them feel smart. This is why, when a salesperson adapts and adopts the way of speaking of the prospect, it will be easier to take action and buy.

4. A picture is worth a thousand words

Talking about the features and benefits of a product often catches the attention of the prospects. Showing the product/service in live is even more effective. When prospects have the opportunity to find out for themselves what you are trying to sell them, they will project themselves much faster, imagining how the product will improve their lives. And all of this maximizes the sales process.

To give you a clear example, at Efficy, we organize free web demos so that our customers can know our CRM solution. We show them what our CRM looks like, from the opportunity’s module (with its sales funnel), how to program the sales activities (tracking quotes, current opportunities, entering a commercial report after an appointment, sending emails from the same platform, etc.). All this to show our customers that we are an agile and easy-to-use solution for their future sales.

5. Interesting and interested meeting

The goal of your conversation with the prospect is to understand him or her. By asking the right questions, you will get the answers that will help you understand what he or she is looking for. Instead of a simple monologue where you talk, where you develop alone your sales pitch, don’t you think it is more effective to find the “pain” of this potential client, his or her need, and then make him or she understand that with you this pain will go away? This stage is that which corresponds to the qualification of the prospect.

6. Decipher their needs

Each consumer is unique. Satisfying his or her needs and wants revolves around a particular product, service or business. When you know your potential customers (persona), it is much easier to understand what they need and what you can do for them. It is by knowing their age, income level, marital status, education, place of residence, hobbies and interests that you can dominate the market.

7. Improve your product first

What would be the point of having a product that offers maximum functionality if your customer does not need it?

Being able to rethink the benefits of your product to adapt them to the needs of each client is an excellent method of selling. Your potential customers will see the positive impact that the product/service will have on their lives.

8. Get recommendations

The most loyal customers are a good source of profit for the company. Certainly… But you can expect even more from them! They can also contribute to the reputation of your business and become ambassadors. It is very easy to get this type of referral when using a referral program. The key is to start encouraging your current customers to use these programs. You don’t have yet a program? No worries, it’s a safe bet that you can use these references for exchanging experiences during events or even writing customer testimonials. There is nothing better to convince their friends or colleagues to become customers like they are of your products/services.

9. Adjust your prices

Price is a determining factor in decision making. It is essential to establish competitive prices. But be careful… Your prices must be identical to those of your competitors. Your prices can even be higher if your offer brings real added value. How can you get more value for your products? By using effective means such as extended warranties, better product/service quality, better customer experience…

In short, a good salesperson should not consider the sales process as his or her own journey, a good salesperson should be the guide of the customer in his or her journey. If you manage to motivate them on the destination or let’s say the objective, show them all the beauty of the landscapes they will find along the way, you will encourage them to open up to you. They will have confidence in the product/service you offer and will purchase.

Come on! Let’s go for more sales!

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Customer satisfaction Customization
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